Noma Bar

Nov 14, 2020

My notes from the talk with Noma Bar.

We were fortunate enough to have a Microsoft Teams call with top designer Noma Bar.

Noma Bar was literally a better drawer at the age of eight than I am to this day. This shows he has had this passion from such a young age and that passion can not be taught.

He educates everyday as there are always new things to learn and sais that we need to be open and observe the world. Constant work and constant observations are key to his success.

He never goes to the compute before he knows what he is doing and he will do loads of sketches of his ideas and has lots of sketchbooks. He has had the smae style throughout the years but it has adapted slightly and become more sophisticated. He is driven more on the idea and thinking process rather than the style

He got rejected a lot before nut now he is not restricted when he is briefed, does not work with people that do not appreciate what he does, this can happen often. Ignore the rules, stick your head in the sand and start creating.

