Responding to Feedback

1 min readOct 8, 2020

Responding to Turner Duckworths response to my 1 minuet pitch.

I am pleased to say that all my feedback was positive. Despite only having about a minuet to pitch my ideas to the client I think I did a good job.

After my pitch they gave me some feedback, Jessie and Dominic really liked my idea. They said my mood board was exciting and holds a rich visual language.

Jessie liked the triangles and angles on my board and thought that I should experiment with angles and arrows and maybe add hints of green in the design to give the mood of ‘on the go’.

They said that this project has great potential, and an excellent foundation to start from.

Now I need to respond to this and really start grinding out some work. I need to create some really strong assets and come up with a launching campaign for the idea so it can take off.

